Designer and Strategist
Emily Chan
Being new to the library, resource description, and knowledge organization world, I appreciated the course structure of the weekly assignments and progression of topics. The information was broken up into easier to digest learning packages. Applying the knowledge in the weekly assignments aided a deeper understanding of the information.
I feel like I’ve learned a lot however I don’t feel confident what I retained or applied is correct. Peer reviews were helpful on some occasions but also created confusion because the reviews were sometimes very different. With my unfamiliarity with the subject matter and being a mature student who doesn’t have a lot of academic experience I would’ve appreciated detailed and specific professor and teaching assistant feedback. I do realize everyone learns differently and can see how the current format could work great for others.
I’ve been able to identify a few of my missteps – outlined in specific reflections linked below – based on peer reviews and this reflection component of the ePortfolio. However, overall I don’t feel confident that I’ve identified all my mistakes or that I’m on the right path. That being said I think the the course has provided a foundation for me to continue to learn on my own.
Having a grasp of this foundation has already proven to be beneficial in a couple projects in other classes. One of which is the major project in LIBR 506 Human-Information Interaction and linked below. Specifics on how the learnings from this course helped with the project is provided in the specific project page. I intend to use what I’ve learned and the resources from the course to guide me in future courses.
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